applet preferences handling via gconf


I'm currently writting a small GNOME2 applet that (tries to) use gconf2
to store and load the preferences across sessions.

I created and installed my gconf schema file in the gconf schemas
directory (via the --makefile-install-rule).

Then at the very beginning of the applet code I call 

 panel_applet_add_preferences(ai->applet, GCONF_KEY_DIR, NULL);

and then go on with panel_applet_gconf_[set|get]_[string|int](...)

The problem is, the *gconf_get_* functions keep returning the default
values specified in the schema file and not the values stored with the
*gconf_set_* functions (which seem to report no errors).
I checked with the gconf editor tool all entries present in
/apps/panel/profile/default/applets and there are quite a few entries
corresponding to my applet (but always with the default values and never
with those specified while applet is running).

What am I doing wrong ?
Why are there so many entries (5 or 6) in
/apps/panel/profile/default/applets. For other applets running in my
panel there's only one entry for the default values and one entry for
the values set by the user. How do I get rid of all those entries

Any idea will be wellcome

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