Locking down default panel for 100+ workstations

We've recently installed Redhat-9 (with GConf2-2.2.0-1) across our labs and I'm have trouble locking down a default panel using GConf. I've been using a mildly edited version of the sample script given in the Gnome2 admin guide but it doesn't seem to be having any effect.
The home directories are NFS mounted from a Sun box (which is running rpc.rstatd, lockd, etc.) and I've implemented the lock work around on the gconf page for the local machines.
While logged in with a test account, I stopped gconfd, (checked gconf-sanity-check-1 - ok) su'ed, then ran the script to set the gconf.xml.defaults prefs, then restarted X. But nothing... the panel reverts back to the orginal schema. I've also tried writing it to the test account's .gconf directory, but it not picking this up either. My path file is unchanged.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I would eventually like to lock down the evolution settings too.

Gary Conway

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