Error Messages


 After upgrading to the new Ximian

In my syslog I noticed this:
May  3 09:16:07 lappy gconfd (pete-379): Failed to notify listener 2399142644, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
May  3 09:16:07 lappy gconfd (pete-379): Failed to notify listener 2365588225, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
May  3 09:16:07 lappy gconfd (pete-379): Failed to notify listener 2432697089, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
May  3 09:16:08 lappy gconfd (pete-379): Failed to notify listener 2466251458, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0
May  3 09:16:09 lappy gconfd (pete-379): Failed to notify listener 2533360330, removing: IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0

And these messages just continue, I have about a 40 page syslog of them for just yesterday.
How can I either

A) fix this
B) redirect the logging to someplace else so it's not plugging up my syslog

Peter Brayman      ICQ # 66709621

"The Great part about being deaf is, it's easy to ignore all the jerks"

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