Re: possible way to list the configured databases

Yanko Kaneti <yaneti declera com> writes: 
> i will be glad if you agree in principle with me(us from galeon) that
> there is need for a little more configurabilty on configure time about
> where the schema will be installed

I agree with that goal 100% - I would like to ship an m4 macro that
adds a --with-gconf-source=foo option, with a standard default, and
a way to override it. This would be awesome.

I'm not I understand exactly how this patch helps with that though. 

I would imagine instead a gconftool feature:

$ gconftool --get-default-source

(Note ::, not :readonly: as in /etc/gconf/1/path, we have to write the
schema there.)

--get-default-source would return the
  xml::sysconfdir/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults database by default, and 
maybe the contents of the file /etc/gconf/schema-install-source
if that file existed?

The m4 macro would use the output from gconftool --get-default-source.
However, if either the GCONF_SCHEMA_INSTALL_SOURCE env variable is
set, or --with-gconf-source=foo was specified, it would override the
output of gconftool --get-default-source.

What do you think about something along those lines?


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