LDAP backend CODE

    the file ldap/hack.c should not be there, it is just a copy of
bdb_() stuff so
automake/conf work ok.

    serialize.c has my new demux for marshaling in it.

    the code probably has bugs in it still, its just so that everyone
has an
idea of what I am doing. (atleast I am doing release early... now if
I can just remember the second part :)

    The biggest limitations are
->    locales are not handled yet.
->    pairIO with marshaling is broken and listIO is fully broken

For list IO I have made strv functions... which currently don't work:
I will try to figure this out, the strv functions are based on existing
gconf code,
it's prolly a quick fix with the GList stuff, but I am still having
probs with the glib


  value = gconf_value_set_list_strv_nocopy(vals);
  printf("tryListIO: created list: %s \n",
  vals2 = __gconf_list_to_strv( value );

BTW I noticed that glib just abort()s the code if there is no
RAM available.
Is this really what we want for a systems library.

Oh well, I may take a break for a few days, then implement SSL/TLS for
(I should get locals and list/pairs going first I guess).

Just add the dir to configure.in and it should be ok, note that you need

openldap 2.0.7 for this, I can't compile it with the 1.x that comes with

rh7. It works ok with gcc2.96.

Place it in gconf/backends/ldap to build. ie extract the archive from

Attachment: ldap16.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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