Re: is a value writeable?

> Let's say that you have the following database path:
> xml:readonly:/shared/gnome/gconf/workgroup_defaults
> xml::/home/colm/.gconf
> If workgroup_defaults contains a key /gnome/desktop/backdrop, then
> if a user application does
> 	gconf_set_string("/gnome/desktop/backdrop", 
> "/home/colm/coolpic.gif")
> the update will fail with GCONF_ERROR_OVERRIDDEN

That seems broken to me. I would expect that if you called that
function in that situation, that it would set the value of
/gnome/desktop/backdrop in /home/colm/.gconf.

If that's not the way that it works, then every single call to
gconf_set_* in every program is going to need jump through hoops to
deal with this possibility.

-- Dan

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