GAROME is ubquitous and invasive

Having more than one version of GNOME on a system offers some unique
opportunities to get into mischief.

A puzzle:

I launch the GAROME environment in a standard manner, using a .xinitrc
file that runs another script


which sets some environment variables and then runs


Today I got a surprise:

* Create a new user account [no GNOME dot files]
* forget to add the GARNOME .xinitrc file  [oops...]
* run "startx"

Surprise of surprises, the garnome splash screen appears and the GARNOME
environment starts up, albeit badly since 


is not in the search path.

Hmmm... What's going on???  

I expected to see the Yellow Dog Linux gnome-2.6 desktop appear. 

A quick "grep -r" of the new user's dot files fails to find any file
containing the word "garnome". 

If I:

* rename  

	/opt/garnome  => /opt/garnome-

* clean out all the dot gnome files from the new user account

* run "startx"

I get the YDL gnome-2.6 desktop.



joseph_sacco [at] comcast [dot] net

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