GARNOME Weekly Build: 20050620.1710

GARNOME Weekly Snapshot Build: 20050620

I've just released 20050620.1710, which incorporates Joseph's big mono/
directory retrofit, the panel crasher that was talked about on the list,
the gnome-python-extras dependencies fix and some build fixes for x86-64.

...and yes -- I know it's not thursday yet, but 0616.1615 was unusable
for most people, so i'm hoping 0620 makes up for it.

Aside from version bumps, this release includes:

* a patch to back out menu loading in the idle loop (b.g.o #164574)

* the mono/ subdirectory has been completely revamped (warning: may crash,
  miscompile, dependencies may be wrong, etc etc etc) (Joseph, me)

* gftp reports the correct URL (Joseph)
* gnome-python-extras will depend on the correct desktop/ and platform/
  modules (Joseph, guenther, me)
* BUILD_ARGS are used correctly to allow compilation on x86-64 (me)
* the unstable build will now use --enable-debug as standard, so
  people can submit backtraces properly (Robert Ford, me)

Again, the tarballs are marked as GARNOME-$(majorversion)-$(date).$(time)
and can be downloaded from:


Any questions, ping me on IRC (funkmeister) or join the GARNOME mailing


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