Re: 2.9.4 fails on ximian-connector-2.1.2


guenther wrote:
Yes, this does not mean I do this always, when building locally.
Personally I do use 'make makesum' often, and I'm aware of potential
issues. I may be paranoid, but I'm lazy as well. :)

Yes, I tend to do the same that is take the packages md5sums from the official repository rather than compute them. I however think that the sums can be useful for both security and d/l integrity. Granted, less for the latter as archives already contains checksums for that purpose.

Thanks a lot to Bob and guenther for their help in solving the Connector issue. Compilation resumed successfully and installation went well.

I closed the bug I opened on Ximian Bugzilla about that issue ( I had opened one as it seemed to me nobody else was experiencing the issue, as for my gtkmm problem (see

So here is the magic question for me to achieve the best efficiency as of GARNOME bug reporting : is there a list where the arch commits are posted so that I can be aware of the changes/patches that we applied on a branch (either stable or devel)?

That would allow me to know what bugs are corrected and would save Paul, Bob and guenther time as well.

Thanks for your help,


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