gdm crashed and won't restart

Dear all,

I have a very strange problem. I installed garnome2.8.2.1 as local user on my laptop running xfree v4.4 and the garnome gdm as display manager. For some time, everthing seems to be working fine, but at some point something goes wrong, and I'm not sure how or what. I haven't installed anything new in the last few days or changed my gnome configuration.

The I noticed today, that I could not run a few programs (for example grdesktop) and entries from the gnome desktop preferences anymore. No error message or anything. just nothing happens. After I logged out, apparently gdm had crashed and tried several times to restart until a blue screen appears saying something like that "the displayserver has been shutdown 6 times during the last 90 minutes ... something is wrong ... wait 2 minutes before trying again ... "
Needless to say, that after that crashed continued ...

also changing the display manager to xdm didn't help, even though also that worked before. With xdm I get as far as the garnome splash window appear, but no services seem to start and whole thing crashed.

That has already happened a few times, and so far I could only recover from that by removing the gnome dir completely and compile again from scratch ... not a very practical solution.

I suspect, that maybe some gdm/gnome temporary files remain after the crash which are reloaded and contain the faulty config. However, I have no idea where to look.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated.


	desparately, Riko

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