Re: GARNOME hal and dbus on FC4

On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 20:34 +0200, Nikos Charonitakis wrote:
> hi
> I m trying unsuccesfully to run this script from GARNOME extras in
> order to use hal and dbus and not my system outdated versions.
> #!/bin/bash
> GARNOME=$HOME/garnome

Make sure that ^^^ this points to where ever you installed GARNOME.

> ## Use GARNOME's dbus and hal
> if [ `grep "<user>messagebus</user>" $GARNOME/etc/dbus-1/system.conf` ]; then
>         more $GARNOME/etc/dbus-1/system.conf | \
>         sed 's,<user>messagebus</user>,<user>dbus</user>,' > \
>         $GARNOME/etc/dbus-1/system.conf;
> fi
> su -c "pkill dbus; \
>        /sbin/service haldaemon stop >/dev/null 2>&1; \
>        pkill hald; \
>        rm -rf $GARNOME/var/run/; \
>        $GARNOME/bin/dbus-daemon --system; \
>        $GARNOME/sbin/hald --retain-privileges"
> it fails when it runs  $GARNOME/bin/dbus-daemon --system;
> with this message:
> "Failed to start message bus: Unknown element <user> at root of
> configuration file"
> i tried manually to figure this putting various users
> garnome/etc/dbus-1/system.conf such as
> dbus, messagebus, 81 but none off them was succesfull...
> what can i do?

I just tried this script on FC4 and it works fine.

> Note:
> i realized that my system does not have any "messagebus" user it just
> has a "dbus" user with id 81
> i may  have to create this messagebus user, but with what attributes?


Bob Kashani

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