Re: Garnome on Solaris 8, part 1 (long)

--On Friday, April 01, 2005 01:08:31 PM -0800 Joachim Feise <jfeise ics uci edu> wrote:

Ok, as promised, here is my report on what I needed to do to get Garnome
compiled on Solaris 8. Some of this may be specific to my setup, so your
mileage may vary.
I split this up in two posts, since it gets pretty large.

I added -DUSE_SOLARIS to my CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS. There is another define
within gcc for Solaris (sun), but originally I was too lazy to look that
up, and later I decided to stick with my original define.
I found that some programs use 'sun' as a variable, and that results in
weird compilation errors, so I changed the variable whenever I
encountered this. I have also not verified that all programs work, I am
happy to just have the basic stuff running.

1) The correct cpp test is for SunOS 5.x is 'defined(__SVR4) && defined(__sun)' (you need the SVR4 to exclude SunOS 4.x).

2) Some of your patches use -lucb . This is a _really_ bad idea. The software needs to be patched to use POSIX/SUS APIs instead. Fortunately, only seahorse and matchbox-desktop have such hacks.

3) The 'sun' variable conflicts will go away using Sun's cc if you pass '-Xc' to the compiler. Similarly, passing '-ansi' or '-std=c99' (or any other -std=foo flag, as far as I can tell) to gcc will fix this.


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