Re: Garnome-2.8.0 unusually CPU hungry?

Dear Tobias,

I haven't seen this behaviour at all. I'm running gnome 2.8 for a while now on kernel 2.6.9. Are you running a 2.6 kernel too as this has improvements on interactive application cpu usage against cpu intensive processes like compiling.



----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Tobias Ottmar <tottmar gmx de>
Datum: vrijdag, september 24, 2004 10:46 pm
Onderwerp: Garnome-2.8.0 unusually CPU hungry?

> Hi there!
> It seems to me that the new garnome uses a lot of cpu. For 
> example, I
> compile something in a console and have XMMS running, the sound 
> cracklesand jumps, mouse jumps...
> Using previous versions of gnome this didn't happen, I also could play
> xmms without problems while compiling when I was using kde.
> My machine is a dual p3/500 so it should not have a problem with
> compiling and playing a mp3 file at the same time. 
> Does anybody have an idea?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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> garnome-list gnome org

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