Re: GARNOME 2.9.1 shared-mime-info problems

guenther wrote:
I am having problems with shared-mime-info in GARNOME 2.9.1 under Fedora Core 3. First there is a checksum error (I ran the make paranoid-install with two different downloads of GARNOME with the same result so it does not seem to be a transmission error), I circumvented this by determining the MD5 checksum for the file I downloaded and replacing the checksum value in the popper GARNOME checksum file with the value I determined, and make paranoid-install again. The package compiled for a long while and then I got this error messages:

Dude, you where just trying to build a HTML document. :-)


# for p in bootstrap/{dbus,shared,hicolor,desktop}*; do cd $p; sed "s/Software/software/" Makefile > temp; mv temp Makefile; cd ../../; done

make[6]: Entering directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/bootstrap/shared-mime-info'
[===== NOW BUILDING:    shared-mime-info-0.15   =====]
        [fetch] complete for shared-mime-info.
 ==> Running checksum on shared-mime-info-0.15.tar.gz
51793b041edc68717c3f87e26a4bc087  download/shared-mime-info-0.15.tar.gz
download/shared-mime-info-0.15.tar.gz: FAILED
*** GAR GAR GAR! shared-mime-info-0.15.tar.gz failed checksum test! GAR GAR GAR! ***
make[6]: *** [checksum-shared-mime-info-0.15.tar.gz] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/bootstrap/shared-mime-info' make[5]: *** [../../bootstrap/shared-mime-info/cookies/main.d/install] Error 2 make[5]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/platform/gnome-mime-data'
make[4]: *** [../../platform/gnome-mime-data/cookies/main.d/install] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/platform/gtk+'
make[3]: *** [../../platform/gtk+/cookies/main.d/install] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/bindings/gtkmm'
make[2]: *** [../../bindings/gtkmm/cookies/main.d/install] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/bindings/gconfmm'
make[1]: *** [paranoid-install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/ftp/nov04/garnome-2.9.1/bindings'
make: *** [paranoid-install] Error 2

Still the same error after running the script.
Sid Boyce .... Hamradio G3VBV and keen Flyer

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