gnome 2.4 & HPUX by Garnome

After some hard work and lots of bugs posted I have a decent desktop in
my  workstation :D
There are still lots of issues, but its fully usable. If someone is

Btw, The only garnome issue that I had found is that if you build
docbook-x* from garnome, then gnome/libxml2/files/buildDocBookCatalog
does not look in $main_prefix/share/xml for the docbook files...

Well, I just want to thank you
Good work!!

class Nauta:
    def __init__(self):
        self.webpage  =
	self.icq       = 49972037
        self.jabber  = nauta77 jabber org
        self.msn      = arg_nauta hotmail com
	self.myMachine = Machine()

class Machine:
    def __init__(self):
	self.uname = HP-UX trutien B.11.00 U 9000/785      
	self.mem   = 1.5 Gb

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