Re: Permission errors when starting GARNOME

петак, 19. септембар 2003. 22:30:49 CEST — Dominic Kramer написа:
But, when Garnome starts there are tons of "Permission Error"
messages. I can however start gnome-2.4 as root. The only problem is starting it as a regular user. What should I do?

It's generally considered bad practice to install Garnome as root.

OTOH, if you don't care about root's user directory security, you could do:

chmod go+x /root
chmod go+rx -R /root/garnome

That should work.

If you do care about security, you don't want other users to be even able to "cd" into /root, so you'd install Garnome in some other place, accessible to all (check the main_prefix variable in, or define it in your environment or -D when running make [that's what "?=" is for, right?]).


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