Re: Problems compiling Gnome 2.4 with GARGNOME 0.27.1: failed to build libIDL

On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 00:06, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Hello,
> I was searching this problem on the Web, and found this post in the 
> list. Unfortunately as a new subscriber, I have no way to quote the 
> previous posts to which I'm referring.
> Because a previous answer suggested that the poster didn't have flex, I 
> have included the output which proves that I at least do-- so what else 
> could be at issue here? I have installed all of the dependencies listed 
> on the website afaik (with exceptions such as libjpeg-dev now being 
> libjpeg62-dev, but I then installed libjpeg62-dev and hoped for the best).
No idea about your build problem but...

> I suppose I could just wait for the .deb, but I really really want 2.4 
> *now* :-).... please help.

If you "just" want to build it to use it (as opposed to doing for
testing) you can use the unofficial debs.

Add to sources.list:

  deb gnome2.4-sid/

There may be various issues with them, look here for the details:


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