Re: garnome 0.27.1 links against wrong libraries.

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 09:24, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> I have this problem on two machines, both running debain sarge.
> On the first machine I get this error when I run make install from meta/gnome-desktop:
> libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/'

2-bit solution:

apt-get install libgnome-desktop-dev

(note to Jeff: heh, now we know why I installed it :)

> Garnome tries to link against libgnome-desktop from /usr/lib. But I guess that it should use its own version of libgnome-desktop.

(I wondered about this myself but installed the package and continued

> On the other machine compilation stops with errors concerning /usr/lib/libpango
> I changed the following line in
> main_prefix ?= $(HOME)/garnome
> to
> main_prefix ?= /usr/local/garnome

This is fine as long as you started with it. I compile with this setting
and it works very well for me on a multiuser machine. Doing this change
in mid compile is a bad thing and will only cause you more headache.

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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