Re: Why was Totem removed?

<quote who="Jens Bech Madsen">

> On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 18:10, Joseph Phillips wrote:
> > I had Totem in an earlier 2.3 snapshot, but now it's removed in the latest
> > 2.4rc1.
> > 
> > Why is that?
> Totem isn't part of the Desktop modules for 2.4. It was considered at
> some point but was dropped. I think the reason was the the gstreamer
> backend wasn't good enough yet, and using the zine backend wasn't a
> viable option because it would add a big dependency to the desktop. Or
> something like that. Jeff?

Just consistency really. Totem is no longer in the Desktop release, so I
took it out of the Desktop meta garball.

> The totem garball is still in the gnome directory. If you want it
> installed, just cd to the directory and make install there.

Yep! And it's now defaulting to Xine instead of GStreamer. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
              "We are not complete muppets." - Murray Cumming

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