Re: compile error gnome-vfs

On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 05:15:53PM -0600, J. Gardner Biggs wrote:
> I have the following installed:
> [jgbiggs gort garnome-0.28.2]$ rpm -q openssl
> openssl-0.9.7a-20
> [jgbiggs gort garnome-0.28.2]$ rpm -q openssl-devel
> openssl-devel-0.9.7a-20

Hmm.  What do
pkg-config openssl --cflags
pkg-config openssl --libs
say?  These should point to the /usr/kerberos stuff.  If not, there may
be a problem with your installation.  If they point to it, can you send
me the config.log from gnome-vfs off-list?

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