Re: 0.24.2 and counting... [Was: 0.24.1: libxml2 fails to install]

On Sat, 2003-05-10 at 07:09, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Jason A. Pfeil">
> > that a challenge?  :-P
> YES! It's not like it sounded like a polite invitation! FRY MY ARSE!

Ah, Jeff.  A quick questions.

Could you estimate the size of your arse?

We're getting together the lard and an pan and realized that we should
confirm this detail to make sure the we got enough fat and a big enough
pan ;-]


Lest we forget...

"They disembarked in 45,
 And no one spoke and no one smiled,
 There were too many spaces in the line.
 And Gathered at the cenotaph,
 All agreed with hand on heart, 
 To sheath the sacrificial knives.

"But now...
 She stands upon Southampton Dock
 With her handkerchief, and her summer frock
 That clings to her wet body in the rain. 
 In quiet desperation
 Knuckles white upon the slippery reins,
 She bravely waves the boys goodbye again"

			-- Southampton Dock, by Pink Floyd

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