I don't have .xinitrc or .xsessions (Redhat 8.0)

Aloha everyone,
  I just installed garnome, but when it came time to edit my .xsession
(I use the gui logon method) file, I found out that I don't have on in
my user account.  I only have a .xsession-errors file.  Does anyone know
where Redhat 8.0 puts that file?  I've used Redhat before, and I know I
had the .xsession file in my user account, but now don't know where they
put it.  Until I can edit the file, I can't use it. :(
  Also, I noticed quite a few warnings, not errors, while garnome was
being installed.  Is that to be expected?  As I pointed out above, I
haven't been able to use it, so I don't know if there is a problem.  Any
help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your reply,

William Jones

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