Re: [garnome 0.21.0] Nautilus problems (was - Re: XML Error in latest? )

Rico Facionado wrote:
--- Sebastien Delestaing <sebastien delestaing wanadoo fr> wrote:
you must uninstall your other nautilus (1.x) and recompile.
worked for me,
good luck

*shudder* Thanks a lot for suggesting, but honestly, I don't like the sound of this. :P
I am installing gnome-2.2 as a totally different user precisely to avoid having
to mess around with the current installation... I'll give it a thought though.
And a try... too, perhaps...


If that is a solution, you don't need to actually uninstall the Nautilus. It's enought that it doesn't get found while you're building and configuring Nautilus. To do that, remove the line listing your previous GNOME installation (or rather, Nautilus installation) from your /etc/ (and run ldconfig), and unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH if it's listed there. It might also help to remove the previous Nautilus binary directory from PATH (eg. remove /opt/gnome/bin, if that's where it is; you can use export PATH=`echo $PATH | sed s+/opt/gnome/bin++` to do that).

This way, it will be as if no other Nautilus is installed at the moment of configuration and building, and, if you want to use previous GNOME at the time of building, it can be achieved too. All of the previously mentioned needs to be set only in current environment (except for /etc/ stuff, because it's system wide), so, if you want to run GNOME, just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gnome/lib (or whatever) and run it.

Then modify the environment in, eg., xterm, and run the build from there. If it cannot find it, it's not there, so there should be no problems.

It can get messy if your original GNOME 1.4.x is installed in some system path like /usr or /usr/local, and you have libraries that you need while building in there. Maybe some LD_PRELOAD variable can help, but I don't know for sure.

And to remind you, all these suggestions are a "blind man star gazing" stuff, so follow with precaution.

Still, hoping this helps,

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