Re: Compile with 0.21.0 gstreamer

Dňa Ne, 2003-02-09 at 18:22, Rico Facionado napísal:
--- Marek Findrik <marek findrik stonline sk> wrote:
> Dňa Ne, 2003-02-09 at 07:35, Rico Facionado napísal:
> > Your libdvdnav-devel package might be inappropriate (too recent) for
> > the dvdnavsrc.c that comes with garnome. It passes only 3 arguments to 
> > that function.
> How can I fix this?

Did you check if dvdnav.h is indeed the one I mentioned?
The CVS browser for gstreamer shows the latest version still using the old API,
yet they do have packages for RedHat there...
Maybe you feel like getting your hands dirty and updating that plugin to the
new API? Why not...  :-)


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Yes, I check it, but I'm newbie in C. Please help me.
Marek Findrik <marek findrik stonline sk>

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