Re: Garnome and compinig own apps

> Hello
> Im just waiting for garnome to build gnome 2.2 :)
> But i have one question in mean time: what options schuld i add to 
> configure or change in makefiles to comile and install gnome2 apps in 
> ~/garnome folder?
> I think --prefix=~/garnome is one but what about others?
> Thanks in advance for any answers!
> Best Regards and thanks for Garnome!
> -- 
> adolf
> ICQ: 115214


The best way to integrate apps with garnome is to add a additional GAR port for them - all needed prefixes etc. will be applayed nicely then :-)
Things you need to do is (i's my, not said the easiest way):
1. Download tarball of app you want to integrate
2. type "md5sum your_new_tarball_name.tar.bz2 >> checksums"
3. edit just generated checksums file and "download/" before tarball name
4. copy existing GAR port (ie. gnome/eog) to your app dir (ie. foo)
5. enter "foo" dir and edit "Makefile"
6. chanege "GARNAME = foo"
7. change "GARVERSION = 2.2.0"
8. change "CATEGORIES = gnome" (ONLY if its in other dir then garnome-0.21.0/gnome)
9. change "LIBDEPS = something_if_needed" (you have to know what your new app needs to be happy and working)
10. save "Makefile"

Well - that's it (i hope I didn't missed anything)...
If you type "make install" now your new app should biuld and integrate to your existing garnome sructure.

Greetengs - Tomasz Król

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