Re: [Bug 118708] Changed - could not locate ISO DocBook entities

It depends which version you have. Building from source (RPMs and debs aren't much of an option for me on my Solaris boxes), I've found there are some some packages that contain entity files with mixed case filenames, and some that don't. If I recall correctly, the ".zip" downloads had mixed case, while the ".tar.gz" downloads didn't... but it's been a while since I wrestled with that particular issue.

So there's a half-decent chance that changing from "-iname" to "-name" would fix things for me on Solaris, but might just break things for someone else.

Jens Bech Madsen wrote:

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 18:00, Patrick Morris wrote:
I run into the same problem. At least on Solaris (or anywhere not using GNU find, I suspect), the -iname switch isn't valid, and breaks the build.

Sounds like a pretty good reason for changing it to -name. The Garnome
website does say, however, that a "sane GNU tool chain" is required. I
guess it depends on whether there are entity(?) files which aren't lower
case. I don't know enough about XML for that.

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