Re: Using stow with Garnome

On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 13:45, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Why would it be useful? I use stow for all of my source-installed stuff, but
> GARNOME manages its own prefix, and you're going to need the same weird
> startup files even if you install it into /usr/local.

I was thinking it might be neater to keep garnome stuff with my other
installed source built stuff.

> [ I guess you could stow and unstow versions of GARNOME and keep the same
> startup files though... I just use the GARNOME= variable in mine, so it's an
> easier change anyway. :-) ]

Currently, I install in /usr/local/garnome-XXX and have a symlink
/usr/local/garnome that points to the version I'm running.

You're probably right, I may as well keep it the same...

I was looking at ways to manage the G2 apps that I build that aren't
part of garnome.  I started to install them via stow but it's probably a
waste of time as I probably need to recompile with any updates to
garnome since core stuff like GTK+ is usually updated.

Anyway, enough rambling...

* Simon Wong *

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