Error in makefile?

Hi all.  I am trying to compile GARNOME on Solaris 8 and am having some
trouble.  I have gcc 3.1 installed, but I'm getting errors when I 'make
install'.  Here's what it says:

# /usr/ccs/bin/make install
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 9: Unexpected end of line seen
# cat Makefile
GARNAME = gnome-desktop

LIBDEPS = gnome/sawfish gnome/metacity gnome/gconf-editor
gnome/gtk-engines gnome/gnome-desktop gnome/gnome-session
gnome/gnome-terminal gnome/gnome-panel gnome/gnome-system-monitor
gnome/bug-buddy gnome/eog gnome/control-center gnome/gedit
gnome/gnome-media gnome/nautilus gnome/gnome-applets gnome/gnome-utils
gnome/yelp gnome/gnome-games gnome/gnome2-user-docs

DESCRIPTION = gnome-desktop
define BLURB
 #FIXME: blurb goes here

include ../../

	@mkdir -p $(COOKIEDIR)/install-$*

Note that the line in the Makefile that begings `LIBDEPS =' and the 5
lines underneath it are really all one line.  So, the 9th line (the one
with the error) is the one that begins #FIXME: blurb goes here.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong here?  I have edited the
/garnome-0.12.0/ file so that the prefix is correct for my
machine, but other than that, I have made no changes.  Am I missing
something, or does GARNOME just not like Solaris 8?

Has anyone turned GNOME 2.0 Final into a package for Solaris 8 yet?  That
is my eventual task, so if you have created one and you would like to
share it with me, I'd be most appreciative.  :)

Thanks for your help.  Have a great day!

-- Josh

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