Re: New gnome-games release (2.3.1)

On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 10:47, Callum McKenzie wrote:
> gnome-games "Nothing to See Here" 2.3.1
> =======================================
> This is mostly bug fixes and not a lot of them. The primary purpose 
> of this release is to make sure the new maintainer knows what he's doing.
> * GTali behaves itself if you're winning by a gratuitous margin
> * Improved GTali documentation.
> * Moved the Gnotravex icon down to the shared directory.
> * Fixed Same-Gnome sanity check so it actually stops the program crashing.
> * Abel Cheung made sure all the ChangeLogs where in UTF-8 and not
>   whatever we'd picked up along the way.

In my uncommitted NEWS file (which I keep up to date as commits are
made) I also had:

* Build fixes for Sun
* Hopefully gnome-stones is more responsive
* Fix Agnes hints in Aisleriot

Thanks Callum!

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
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