G3WEB Content --

	Hi all,

	First of all, I hope you are doing well.

	The content inside last years website is being reused in this year's
till something new arrives. As you can see the Welcome message has been
(C-w C-y)ed and a gnome.php accessible via the main site links has been
created using the same C-w C-y way. 

	The foundation page can also be done right now and easily but I want
you to tell me which content should I use. May I copy/paste content from
the Foundation page?. As far as I am concerned the board of directors of
GF is elaborating the material. If that is true, which is the status?. I
will Copy/Paste + Adapt GF site content if there is nothing available
yet. Well, if you don't disagree loud and clear in the next coming

	This weekend I will continue working in the web. So I would apreciate
to receive the material you want me to include. F.ex. Sponsors info,
Travelling info... at least what you have at this moment. It can became
deprecated and changed later.

	Also artwork should be uploaded in the CVS so we can include it.
Remember that there is a module in the CVS called
web-xml/www.guadec.org/artwork/candidates/ where the artist must leave
their submissions.

	That's all by the moment.

	Please visit http://www.guadec.org and tell me if the welcome message
is fine for you. 



Pd. Amy, As you can see the toplinks module now includes the links. They
all point to www.guadec.org then, when material about travelling, etc is
being received, I will just create the *.php page and add the *.php name
to those primary links. 

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