Re: CVS Mini tutorial for the GUAD3C righteous people!.

Oops. The file...

En dom, 2002-01-06 a 20:58, Jaime Anguiano Olarra escribió:
> Here it is for you viewing pleasure... or not.
> Enjoy!.
> Jaime.
> Btw. Rodrigo please let me know if something needs to be corrected.

_______________[  CVS Mini Howto  ]_________________
Version 0.1
		  Jaime Anguiano Olarra
		  <jaime gcubo org>

This is a little manual for the impatient people who 
just need the basic skills about how to use the CVS.
I won't elaborate on anything since there is full of
easy-to-read documentation out there waiting for you.

For you who want to collaborate to the GUADEC website
or/and organization and who didn't need to learn 
managing a CVS repository and for those who take care
of us.


Note: all the examples are applicable to the CVS repository, that used in the 

0.- Prerequisites.
1.- Howto logging into the CVS.
2.- Check out.
3.- Update.
4.- Add a file and remove a file.
5.- Commit your changes.
6.- ci before you go.
7.- Logout.
8.- Ask for more.
Layer 0. -- Prerequisites.

Contact someone at and ask him (no
girls yet, will you be the first?) to open you an 
account. Remember your login and your password. 

You may use send the file pass.txt attached with your
mail asking for the account. Explain that the password
you are using is that on the file. The admin will 
understand what do you want. So:

perl -e 'print crypt(PASSWORD, STRING)'

Change PASSWORD for the password for your desired 
password. Change STRING for any string. F.ex.

perl -e 'print crypt(safnkn, Code)' > pass.txt

The password is safnkn. You don't need to remember 
more than this. 

Create a directory wherever you want in your 
filesystem. You will need it as local copy of the CVS.

mkdir cvs-guadec
Layer 1. -- Howto logging into the CVS.

Copy the following line in a file call then
give it exec permissions with chmod +x

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:LOGIN SERVER:/home/cvs/gnome login

Instead of LOGIN put your login. Instead of SERVER put
the name of the server. F.ex.:

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:jaime cvs es gnome org:/home/cvs/gnome login
Layer 2. -- Check out your modules.

Move into the local CVS and take a copy of the things in 
the CVS module you will work on.

cd cvs-guadec
cvs co MODULE

And change MODULE for the module to download.

F.ex.: cvs co web-xml
Layer 3. -- Update yourself.

Call this everytime you start a session:

cvs update
Layer 4. -- Add and remove a file.

In order to add a file first write it. Then:

cvs add FILENAME

I order to remove a file:

cvs -z 3 remove FILENAME 
Layer 5. -- Commit your changes.

If you feel ready, commit your wonderful work.

cvs commit
Layer 6. -- ci before you go.

Just before you end you session:

cvs ci
Layer 7. -- Logout.

cvs logout

Hey!. You are out!.
Layer 8. -- Ask for more.

You hacker. There are a lot of documents that will 
help you through the CVS. This is a quick reference
and should be enough for all the people involved in
something like creating a website, but other commands 
and tools will be very useful and thus strongly 
recommended. I encourage you to learn this doc and to 
ask for more. Google will give you them. 

See you,

Thanks Rodrigo for all your all you have taught me.
You are not just a great hacker and teacher, but a 
lovely man in deed.

(c) 2001, The Free Software Foundation.

Author: Jaime Anguiano Olarra.

This little thing is distribuited under the GNU Free
Documentation License. 

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