f-spot 0.1.11

       Module: f-spot
      Version: 0.1.11
  Uploaded by: Larry Ewing

  md5sum: 096faff37358cf48af8f4b671f5913fe
    size: 1.3M

  md5sum: d4d75f6a5272fa15b5658abdf708b050
    size: 920K


f-spot 0.1.11 - March 13 2006 - Old Guard
- Much improved contrast function.
- Database opens existing databases regardless of the sqlite
  version.  b.g.o #333644 and b.x.c #77711
- Database tries to force the correct encoding on v2 databases.
- Import dialog is better about cleaning up after itself.
- Valid cameras are no longer discarded from the camera list. b.g.o
- Group selector handles empty groups. b.g.o #333745
- Many slideshow improvements.
- Fix the erratic open with menu behavior. b.g.o #332949
- Improve the tag menu behavior when adding tags.
- Add --debug and --uninstalled command line options.
- Fixed JPEG orientation when saving new versions.
- Added a general exception dialog.
- Manu many more bugfixes.

f-spot 0.1.20 - Feb 21 2006 - Life Saver
- New gnome-screensaver mode.
- Timezone utc clean-ups.
- Fixed time dialog set the date properly.
- Expose the sort order to the ui. Fixes #321260.
- Added cancel button to color dialog #324903.
- Fixed memory leak in aysnc loader. #326940, #326660, 314034
- Many more bugfixes.

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