
       Module: garnome
  Uploaded by: Joseph Sacco
  md5sum: 15bbb1151bdbaab9ca777b7474cf20cb
    size: 384K
  md5sum: 30575183e1becf973066aeec2cdf3d0c
    size: 308K


2006-08-02  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* office/mergeant: recraft patch using src from CVS as of 2006-03-09
	* mono/gtksourceview-sharp1.0: delete obsolete package
	* office/libgsf: bump version to 1.14.1; remove upstream patch

2006-08-02  Karsten Bräckelmann  <guenther rudersport de>

	* desktop/gnome-icon-theme: get hicolor-icon-theme LIBDEPS back in

	* bootstrap/gamin/Makefile: cleaning up...

	* bootstrap/iso-codes/Makefile: remove pre-configure target

2006-08-01  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* bootstrap/libtheora: bump version to 1.0alpha7
	* bootstrap/bison: bump version to 2.3

2006-08-01  Karsten Bräckelmann  <guenther rudersport de>

	* desktop/gnome-volume-manager: bump version to 2.15.0
	* desktop/gdm: bump version to 2.15.8
	* desktop/gnome-terminal: bump version to 2.15.4
	* desktop/vte: bump version to 0.13.5

	* platform/pango: bump version to 1.13.5

2006-07-31  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* fifth-toe/gossip: bump version to 0.13

2006-07-30  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* bootstrap/libiconv: bump version to 1.10

2006-07-30  Karsten Bräckelmann  <guenther rudersport de>

	* bootstrap/iso-codes: bump version to 0.52
	Add a fallback MASTER_SITES, to prevent breaking the build in case
	the original tarballs disappears yet again...

2006-07-29  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* platform/gtk-doc: bump version to 1.7

2006-07-28  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>
	* desktop/zenity: bump version to 2.15.90
	* freedesktop/hal: bump version to
	* bootstrap/firefox: bump version to; add pango-ua patch
	* bindings/pycairo: remove bindings/pygtk from LIBDEPS

2006-07-27  Joseph Sacco <joseph_sacco comcast net>

	* admin/sabayon: bump version to 2.12.4
	* desktop/libgtop: bump version to 2.14.2
	* hacker-tools/devhelp: bump version to 0.12
	* desktop/control-center: patch to allow ./capplet/aboutme to build
	and run
	* desktop/librsvg: bump version to 2.15.90
	* freedesktop/dbus-glib: add checksums file

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