libsigc++ 2.0.11

       Module: libsigc++
      Version: 2.0.11
  Uploaded by: Murray Cumming
  md5sum: f232756836605a9856e1b1e4141b3ab1
    size: 1.8M
  md5sum: 9e28167ebe664593c9222092e2a51d06
    size: 1.4M



2005-03-09  Cedric Gustin <cedric gustin swing be>

	* Moved MSVC_Net2003 directory to SUBDIRS.
	* MSVC_Net2003/ Added blank.cpp to EXTRA_DIST.
	* MSVC_Net2003/libsigc++2_msvcNet2003.sln: Removed
	test_accumulated and test_lambda projects as the tests are
	disabled in the standard, configure-based build.
	* MSVC_Net2003/MSVC_Net2003/libsigc++2_msvcNet2003.vcproj:
	Generate a PDB file in the Debug target.

2005-03-05  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>

	* docs/website/stable.html: Mention actual supported compilers.
	* docs/website/docs.html: Removed broken examples links. Change 
	reference link to the reference overview page.

2005-02-23  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>

	* sigc++/functors/slot_base.h: Make slot_base::operator=() public, to 
	fix the build with SUN Forte C++ 5.5 and Tru64.

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