atomix 1.2.2

       Module: atomix
      Version: 1.2.2
  Uploaded by: Guilherme de S. Pastore
  md5sum: d26e23881cdf99aa53c312ec7c567229
    size: 336K
  md5sum: f393f4a0f215afd2452bd39c023c78f6
    size: 292K


2005-06-17: Released version 1.2.1

	* Builds with GCC 4.0.
	* Doesn't require libglade to build.
	* Provides an icon, both for the window and the menu.
	* Greatly improved internationalization, by allowing the translation
	  of molecule names.
	* Tries not to silently ignore the user when no action can be taken
	  (e.g. viewing scores when no scores were achieved).
	* Changes commercial namings of molecules to their original (correct?)
	  names, such as Formaldehyd being renamed to Methanal.
	* Finally moved to the new level file format, instead of converting
	  old formats at build-time. That also means level-convert is likely
	  to die pretty soon.

2005-03-21: Released version 1.1.2

	* Saves score if the application is closed but a game is running.
	* Hide the movement arrows when the atoms are hidden, namely during
	  a game pause (and, therefore, prevent them from moving).
	* General improvements.

2005-03-18: Released version 1.1

	* New maintainer (Atomix is now developed by another person)
	* Fixes the bug that made all the translations available be displayed
	  on the main application menu at the same time, making the game pretty
	  unusable for non-English speakers.
	* Doesn't force the existance of an .atomix directory in the users'
	  home directories, although it will still work if the users want
	  and have one.
	* General code improvements.

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