gedit 2.9.2

       Module: gedit
      Version: 2.9.2
  Uploaded by: Fernando Herrera de las Heras
  md5sum: d54a3a7dd1d80bb88f37d9049c520449
    size: 3.8M
  md5sum: 9b0f54d776ee06940252db5e1d95277e
    size: 2.4M


gedit 2.9.2

- bump gtksourceview requirement to 1.1
- improve default language detection for the spell plugin (Paolo Maggi)
- plug some memory leaks (Paolo Borelli)
- fix a bug and a critical warning when adding an encoding (Loïc Minier)
- listen to max-recents changes in gconf (Paolo Borelli)
- open new files specified on the command line in the proper order. (Paolo Borelli)
- Move to the new gtk api (about dialog, alerts etc) (Paolo Borelli)
- Fix a crash loading remote files (Paolo Maggi)
- Improve file naming in the window title (Paolo Maggi)
  * modified documents are prefixed with a "*"
  * the title of the window now has the format "filename (directory) - gedit"
- Use Pango fonts when printing	(Owen Taylor)
- Check if the metadata file exists before trying to parse it (Marco Pesenti Gritti)
- Misc code cleanups (Paolo Borelli)

New and updated translations
- Kjartan Maraas (nb)
- Martin Willemoes Hansen (da)
- David Lodge (en_GB)                                                            
- Meelad Zakaria (fa)
- Vladimir Petkov (bg)
- Laurent Dhima (sq)
- Takeshi AIHANA (ja)


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