glom 0.8.7

       Module: glom
      Version: 0.8.7
  Uploaded by: Murray Cumming
  md5sum: 4547607dd989ba6b9383b18d7a08da75
    size: 580K
  md5sum: f198e547720f7d203423a61ee2b28446
    size: 420K



* Field Definition:
  - Add Boolean field type, which is displayed as a checkbox.
  - Default values can be the result of python calculations.
  - Default values are validated according to the field type.
* Pressing cancel on the initial dialog closes the application.
* Details view:
  - Corrected widget layout problems.
  - Do not lose the layout groups after a while.
  - Fix crash when changing user level, with related records.
(Murray Cumming)
* Added Albanian translation. (Laurent Dhima)

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