gail 1.5.6

       Module: gail
      Version: 1.5.6
  Uploaded by: padraigo
  md5sum: 4b78f73ade86b5c025cedc7b41b9f3d6
    size: 672k
  md5sum: ee099c40b2c0763b3b14ee661ca4891c
    size: 484k


Overview of Changes in GAIL 1.5.6
* Emit notification when tooltip is displayed. Set ATK_RELATION_POPUP_FOR
to identify the object for which the tooltip is displayed. (bug #76266)

* Find text in buttons on GAIM login screen so that it is reported as accessible
name for button. (bug #134308)

* Do not report widget name as accessible name. (bug #128439)

* Check TreeView is realized before emitting selection-changed signal.
(bug #134952)

* Add heuristic to find label for NautilusEntry in FMPropetiesWindow.
(bug #134629)

* Fix leak when adding global event listener. [Christian Persch] (bug #135018)

* Add accessibility implementation for GtkScale. (bug #104797)

* Add translations: Canadian English [Adam Weinberger]

* Updated translations: Albanian [Laurent Dhima], Irish [Alastair McKinstry]

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