Re: gui interface

I see this evolving from two different angles,

1) A nice gui to plan flights, lookup airport detail etc. 


2) Something that will produce a knee board output we can use in flight. 

For airport information something similar to the AOPA airport directory 
would be nice. 

If we're into adding new features, how about an interface to duats ? 
There's standalone duats Windoze app does all sorts of nice stuff simply 
using an automated telnet script. It shouldn't be that hard to come up 
with the interface to it. (I'm not sure about going the whole way and 
supporting filing flight plans though :)

>So far, it doesn't do anything yet; I've only just started on
>the gui front end.

Maybe its time to set something up with CVS access and some defined areas 
where willing developers can work on ? 


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