Re: Questions for the candidate

On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 12:09 -0300, Germán Poó Caamaño wrote:

> We can suggests include an special section on GNOME Journal, on
> the foundation site or any other visible place, that talks about
> the activities of the board --probably a summary of the minutes, 
> but written as a little article-- that show, for 
> instance, in four subsections, what has be done, what are the 
> currents tasks, the future tasks and a list of tasks that need
> volunteers to get them done.  For the last one, give a deadline 
> to take the task.

I think that this is an excellent idea.  We at GNOME Journal would not
mind at all publishing foundation events/summaries or whatever from the
board.  In fact, having a board number speak of what activities that are
going on through the Journal would be great!


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