Minutes of the Board meeting 2003 Dec 2

     Minutes of the Board meeting 2003 Dec 2
   Jeff Waugh (chair)
   Nat Friedman
   Daniel Veillard (minutes)
   Bill Haneman
   Jim Gettys
   Luis Villa
   James Henstridge
   Glynn Foster
   Jody Goldberg
   Jonathan Blandford

   Miguel de Icaza
Completed Actions:
   ACTION: Schedule advisory board meeting
        => Glynn posted to list suggesting Dec 9
   ACTION: Look into Debian guidelines for trademark issues.
        => Done
   ACTION: Forward draft proposal of trademark guidelines
        => Tim forwarded a copy of the proposal to board then
           foundation as a whole to get public review.
   ACTION: Tim to look into merchandising options around our logo and
        GUADEC proceedings
        : Can now accept credit cards
        : Process of setting up the web form, and certificate ongoing
          Ariel Rios is working on it.  Have someone to work on DB, but need
          some help on the web form.  Posting to request help will happen shortly.
        : Tim posted the specs to the admin list.
        => ongoing, main issue is to set up a secure box

New Action:

   ACTION: Glynn to schedule a call for the next Summit organization.

   ACTION: Luis to publish the current draft version of the Roadmap on the
           web site and send it to the advisory board list and foundation-list.

   ACTION: Tim to send a version of revised budget to the board list

   ACTION: Nat send picture of the LINUX Bangalore GNOME booth to Tim Ney

   ACTION: Glynn to schedule the board wrap-up meeting


   - approval for last board minutes

   - Tim's Status Report

   - Summit
     Wrapping up, organizing it in Boston might make sense for next year
     It's very important to meet, but keep the organization small, it's not
     GUADEC but a hacker meeting.
     Many thanks to Ruben Safir and NYLXS for their substantial
     efforts organizing this successful event.

   - GUADEC organization
     We are not going to hold paid tutorials, looking for keynote speakers.
     No big issues, the organisation is going on smoothly.

   - Gnome.conf.au status
     Some speakers have been selected. It will happen for the 2 days before
     the Linux.conf.au
   - Advisory board meeting
     It is next week. Glynn did put up a small agenda.
     The roadmap is probably the main item to be discussed.

   - budget
     The only outstanding point is the money involved with the bounties.
     There are some money for GUADEC travel budget, but it is very hard
     to set-up policies for such subsidies at this point.

   - GNOME Bangalore
     There is a large GNOME audience at the LINUX Bangalore conference.
     Bandwidth constraints are a problem for some developers.
     Setting up a mailing-list is the first step. Nat proposes making an

   - GNOME marketing team status
     new regional lists have been created and there is a number of pending
     creation too, some of them are setting up their own web site
     Next project is to fix the press kit
     Then setting up brochures and live CD for demos

   - Board wrap up meeting
     Glynn suggested a last "free form/no agenda" post-mortem meeting
     probably just before the "shared" meeting between both old and new
     board in January


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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