Re: Candidacy (Tim Ney)

On 13Nov2001 06:44PM (+0100), Christian Schaller wrote:
> Personally I would like to suggest that the foundation impose the
> following policy:
> * No employee of the GNOME Foundation as represented by the GNOME
> Foundation board can be elected to the board. 
> * The Director of the GNOME Foundation (which currently is Tim Ney) gets
> a non-voting place on the board.

Hi Christian,

It's actually quite common in both for-profit corporations and
non-profit organizations for executives of the organization to also be
on the board of directors.

We could add a rule like you suggest, though I think it's a bit late
to do so for this election, and I do not think it's necessary.

People can express their opinion on whether it's a good idea to have
the Executive Director also on the Board by voting or not voting for

Also, to specifically address the issue of Tim's employment status,
Bart suggested that the board form an employment committee which does
not include Tim. I think this is a good idea, and it's analogous to
the way these issues are handled by other corporate and nonprofit

Personally I think Tim has been doing a bang-up job on organizational
issues, and it could be helpful to give him a more official voice on
the board. On the other hand, since we almost always operate by
consensus and Tim comes to the phone meetings anyway, it would not
make all that much practical difference whether Tim has a vote or not.

 - Maciej

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