Re: Membership dues [ was: Re: Advisory Board Letter ]

Telling the community you need a foundation of $100000 overhead per year to 
manage the money  that started out at around $25000 (and probably unspent yet 
despite all these GNOME news and events to this day). And these three items
"media affairs, corporate partners, marketing Gnome" sound strange 
for a free software project--will GNOME be more popular due to these promotions
than if GNOME keeps doing the same way as it does today?

Does the SPI have a budget of $100000 per year, despite the complexity of 
Debian GNU/Linux, a full OS larger than GNOME?

The way the foundation works sound not quiet right.

Just my two cents.

> I think things like relations with
> media affairs, corporate partners, marketing Gnome, organizing conferences etc. do
> become more and more important over time.  We have 40 or 50 full-time paid Gnome
> hackers now, and I think it'd be good to have at least 1 paid Gnome-non-developer.
> The question is whether that person should be on staff with the foundation or on the
> payroll of one of the companies (right now, I'm doing this work on Eazel's dime).  I'm
> not 100% convinced either way.
> Bart

Li-Cheng Tai (Andy Tai)                       e-mail:

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