Hit send to fast/Timeslots for announcement

Sorry about that.  I'll try again.  Hello all:

I took the liberty of calling Kristen Gallo at LinuxWorld Expo this a.m. 
(508-424-4834). She confirmed that HelixCode has the noon-12:45 slot on 
Aug. 15 and we knew already that Eazel has the 1 - 1:45 slot.  I asked her 
if there is any reason, understanding of course that these companies will 
have to call directly, that we can't do one longer conference (noon - 1:45) 
and she said she doesn't know of any reason.  The 15 minutes in between is 
of course just for room set up.

ACTION ITEMS from yesterday's call.  Please feel free to add anything I 
missed.  In some cases I had a little trouble identifying speakers:

* Company quotes are due to Greg (gcorrin@eazel.com) on this Thursday 
(7/27).  Greg's team will try to get a draft release by end of week.

* Please email your press/analyst invite requests to me for 
consolidation.  We have the LinuxWorld pre-reg list and will keep checking 
it as it gets revamped.

* Melissa (Red Hat) will coordinate a very short Q&A for spokespersons 
acting in a Gnome capacity.  From a corporate standpoint, you are 
responsible for your own Q&As.

* We agreed to investigate webcasts.  Greg is looking into this with Dr. 
Dobbs, which is at the show anyway.

*  CHEN will produce 200 kits.  Press kit folders will be plain black, to 
be procured by CHEN.  The kits will contain the main Gnome release printed 
on paper with a Gnome logo.  We will work with Bart on screen shots and a 
file of Miguel.  Any partner releases that we receive by August 10 will be 
stuffed in the kits.  Please send 200 copies on your letterhead to:

Cecile Roux, CHEN PR, Inc., 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 228, Foster 
City, CA 94404

* Speakers will include, in order, Miquel leading off and then the top 
execs of Eazel, Helixcode, Red Hat, Sun and other spokespersons, if agreed 
upon, in alphabetical order.


* Brief a few analysts in advance?  Given number of vendors involved, may 
be difficult to agree upon analysts.

* Pitch to one daily in advance?  Vendors may have differing perspectives 
about best outlet/most appropriate reporter.

* Book any one-on-one slots with key reporters after event?  Time may not 

We look forward to chatting again on Monday July 31 at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET 
and will set up a dial in number.


1601 Trapelo Road
Waltham, Mass.  02451
P: 781-466-8282
F: 781-466-8989

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