Re: [fdn-ann] messaging statement

Bart - At the risk of mangling what Russ said, I think he said something like:

The major story here is that all of these key players are coming together 
as a unifying industry force to advance GNOME, which offers tremendous 
potential to become the world's leading free, easy-to-use desktop environment.

[I know this doesn't cover the dev framework, but we seemed to be pretty 
focused on the desktop in our discussions.]

Regards,  Barb

At 02:26 PM 7/31/00 -0700, Bart Decrem wrote:
>Hi Russ, Barbara,
>In our conference call, Russ gave an excellent summary of a messaging
>statement for the Gnome Foundation announcement.  Could you guys do a
>write-up of that and share it with the list?
>It will be very valuable as we prepare everyone for the announcement.
>Foundation-announcement mailing list

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