Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Aug 31

[ Oops I realize I forgot to post the minutes from last board meeting !]

     Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Aug 31



   Owen Taylor (chairing)
   Tim Ney
   Daniel Veillard
   Dave Neary
   Luis Villa
   Jonathan Blandford
   Miguel de Icaza
   Federico Mena-Quintero (45:)


   Jody Goldberg
   Murray Cumming


   Christian Schaller

Actions completed:

   ACTION: Daniel to send request for proposal for specific topic to be
           worked on at the next Summit
     - ongoing
       proposal should go on the Wiki like last year, Luis to build that page
       this was discussed during the meeting with the advisory board
       redundant with wiki page
       => done

  ACTION: Dave to try to get a german lawyer feedback on the contract for 
          the GNOME online shop within a week.
     - Ongoing

  ACTION: Tim to ask our lawyers to see how much it would cost to try to
          deposit the trademark in Europe and if the local groups can help
          us get it.
     - their answer is that we should try to handle deposits ourselves through
       existing trademark groups to avoid doing it country by country.


   ACTION: Dave to start looking for vendors to host the GNOME online shop
     - Ongoing

   ACTION: Dave to proceed to details stage of merchandizing agreement
     - Ongoing

  ACTION: Murray to take the task to find documentation authors and get it 
     - Federico did the first step, Jonathan is taking over

  ACTION: Owen to make the final announcement of the Trademark proposals
     - Done

  ACTION: Luis to post the Minutes of the meeting with the advisory board
     - Ongoing

New Action:

  ACTION: Add a section on things the foundation should do once it has the
  ACTION: Tim to go though the trademark registration check with the user

  ACTION: Jonathan to post about election items we tend to forget or postpone
          from year to year


 * Region events (e.g. Brazilian Forum - Tim has been talking to
   the organizers there, about a second one)
   GUADEC is the main event but not everybody can go so we should encourage
   local events, and how we can help 

    * How can we get GNOME hackers involved, get them there

    * How can we empower people locally to "represent GNOME"

   In general helping the user group developp is the main mechanism to create
   such events. Promoting the work of existing user's group is probably one of
   the most effective way.
   The list at http://live.gnome.org/UserGroups show a number of local groups.
   getting report published in the quaterly news letter.

 * SPI trademark discussion
   Luis is gonna represent the GNOME Foundation at the SPI.

 * Preparation for the Summit
   It's in 6 weeks. Register, register speed talks, prepare per topic sections.
   This lives in http://live.gnome.org/Boston2005

 * Talks about the financial status (done at the beginning of the teleconf)

 * next meeting Wed 14 September


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team http://redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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