Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Mar 23

     Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Mar 23


   Owen Taylor (chairing)
   Daniel Veillard
   Jonathan Blandford
   Murray Cumming
   Tim Ney
   Christian Schaller
   Jody Goldberg
   Luis Villa
   Federico Mena-Quintero (0:25)

   Miguel de Icaza

   Dave Neary

Actions completed:

   ACTION: Tim to forward the trademark agreements from the lawyers to the
           foundation list (after posting them on the Wiki)
      => Almost ready to go
      => completed before sending the final minutes


   ACTION: Tim and Dave check the travel subsities for the GUADEC speakers
      => Dave got the list, Tim mailed, most replies received,
         still ongoing, it's now a case by case basis check for cheapest rates

   ACTION: Dave to start looking for vendors to host the GNOME online shop
      => long term ACTION, ongoing

New Action:
   ACTION: Murray to investigate getting a GNOME Foundation Member Logo

   ACTION: Daniel to send the advisory board meeting announce in a week,
           check with Tim for the updated list


   - gnome logo on business cards
     This didn't sound a good idea in general, for example @gnome.org email
     addresses are not to be used for business purposes.
     If we had a GNOME Foundation member logo that would be more appropriate.

   - board meeting at GUADEC
     tentatively have the board meeting on the Saturday before GUADEC and
     the advisory board on the Wednesday after.

   - GUADEC status update
     Schedule is on-line
     Registration should be ready within a week
     Part of the registration form is that for 80euros people will be able
     to book 4 night with breakfast at the hostel. A camp is being arranged
     too, see the informations on-line at:

   - Brainstorming session about fundraising
     Motivations for raising funds: bring people together at meetings
     (GUADEC and the GNOME Summit). Are there other purposes we should
     be fundraising for?
     Should tie fundraising to GUADEC registration. ("Can't come? Help
     bring someone else.")
     Other possible activities: online auction? fundraising

   - Next conf call in two weeks
     Luis give potential regrets for in 2 and 4 weeks
     DV give potential regrets for in 4 weeks


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team http://redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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