Candidacy : Jody Goldberg

Name:    Jody Goldberg
EMail:   jody gnome org
Company: Novell/Ximian/HelixCode/IGS	(note to self : see what we're called)

Short Version

    I'd like to keep a focus on GNOME development and improving our platform.
    Co-existing with other projects is useful, but it would be far more
    effective if the disparate efforts could share a platform, rather than
    writing bridges between.  In my opinion the Getty's 'Drain the swamp'
    doctrine makes activities like,, and small share-able
    libraries like libgsf good contenders for pulling communities together.

Long Version

	- Maintainer of Gnumeric, libgsf, gnome-control-center
	  and long time contributor throughout the stack
	- Advocate for developing software on the GNOME platform and
	  building bridges to expand the user base of that platform.
	- Board Member for the last two years, as backup secretary,
	  and assistant to the treasurer

    The Good
	- This year's board came together as an effective unit.  Follow up and
	  activity where much better.
	- Helped to deliver the first coordinated version of GNOME-Office and
	  had some success in encouraging other applications to join, or
	  cooperate with that effort.
	- Raised money for a free spreadsheet test suite
	- People are clearer on what the board is and is not for.
	- Communication within the community has improved immeasurably.  Gone
	  are the wild flames and velvet hammers of days gone by.  This is
	  directly attributable to the various teams (release, bugs,
	  membership) solidifying with time and decreasing the amount of

    The Bad
	- Funding could be expanded.  Whether it is getting more developers to
	  GUADEC, having a presence at more conferences, or being able to
	  provide some monetary incentive to fix boring things, more funding
	  would be helpful.
	- Still more follow through.  The Glynn/Jeff/Luis tag team has been
	  riding the other members of the board, doing huge amounts of work,
	  and nagging/guilting the rest of us out of torpor.
	- We need to improve coordination with marketing.  Selecting
	  conferences to attend early, and getting press releases reviewed well
	  before target dates.
	- Sleep deprivation has decreased my contribution level recently

	- Fix 'The Bad'
	- Continue 'The Good'


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