Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting August 27 2002

	  Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting August 27 2002


    Nat Friedman (chair)
    Havoc Pennington
    Tim Ney 
    Jonathan Blandford
    Daniel Veillard (minutes)
    James Henstridge
    Jody Goldberg
    Telsa Gwynne
    Miguel de Icaza
    George Lebl
    Federico Mena

    Jim Gettys


Actions Done:

  ACTION: Jonathan send a mail on the fondation list about the organization
          chart and the need for a designed leader in each acting as a contact
          point, and also get discussed the new composition of the Release Team
	=> Done we're discussing it today


  ACTION: Jim to restart the font discussions with various parties
	=> No progress at this point, getting a schedule for the next
           release may allow to synchronize the font progresses too.

  ACTION: Nat and Jonathan talk to gnome-sysadmin about adding ssh
          tunneling for GNOME CVS access
        => Jonathan will try to get this scheduled with Owen, pending

  ACTION: Jody volunteer for working on producing a first
       draft of ABI rules for GNOME-2 releases, get involvment from
       someone at Sun, and make sure the draft get some review.
	=> Need to be restarted ... even something simple, but this is needed

  ACTION: Tim looking at structuring tutorials, need to send a call for speakers
	=> Have begun discussing this via email. Some of the Sun's people
           discussed this too at the Summit. Ongoing

  ACTION: Havoc to create the CVS module, fill it with a draft of our process
          and make a public request for the first technical issues to test
          that process, Michel will probably help there
	=> Done mostly, it's in CVS and on the web site, but still need the
	   mailing list and start the process GEP

New Actions:

  ACTION: Jonathan to work with Louie to put the organisation chart on the
          web site.


  - approve last meeting minutes:

  - The Contact list
    The point is to be able to know who's active and responsible in each areas
    and keep this information accurate.
    It also help to find who to ask on a given topic. A bit like a maintainer
    for a code module but at the organizational level.

    The next step is to integrate the data on the web site, Jonathan takes
    the action.

  - The treasurer
    Federico will take this task, Tim checked it was okay. Main responsibility
    is to work with the Director and the accountant to prepare the annual
    financial report. We have to file a report every year to the IRS and
    the state of MA.

  - Gnotices and Gnomedesktop.org
    Basically we will drop the current the current news.gnome.org, and
    point to Gnomedesktop.org indicating it is the community site.

  - Licencing issues
    The board discussed a few Licencing issues including
    - no written policy w.r.t. printing Gnome Tee-Shirts, and first we should
      not prevent people from printing them, but we also need to enforce the
      Trademark. It's bureaucratic but needed to keep the TM. Wondering if
      a written agreement is needed every time. Tim will ask the lawyers. [1]

      There is a policy question: who can use the logo
      There is a legal question: is a individual check required in each case

  - LinuxWorld
    Special thanks to Leslie Proctor and the volunteers who helped: Steve
    Bibayoff, Nike Caball, Jason Colson, Clay Clairborne, Pete Goodall,
    Kieran Hervold, Mike Higashi, Mae Ling Mak, Michael Meeks and Pablo
    Molina.  Thanks to ASLab and Ximian for donating hardware.


[1] In the meantime Tim asked and the lawyers confirmed that enforcing
    authorization to reuse the logo should be maintained in order to preserve
    the Trademark.

Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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