Re: Wrong characters for Serbian cyrillic

Vedran Ljubovic wrote:
There are problems with certain characters used in Serbian cyrillic (and
possibly other languages) in all Vera fonts:

0452 "Small dje" (cyrillic t displayed instead)
0459 "Small lje" (cyrillic l instead)
045A "Small nje" (cyrillic n instead)
045B "Small tshe" (cyrillic t instead)

And also capitals:
0402 "Capital DJE" (cyrillic T displayed instead)
040B "Capital TSHE" (cyrillic T instead)

Without these characters Serbian cyrillic texts look very weird, and fonts
can't be used for authoring. This is a serious problem now that many
distros ship these fonts as default.

But Vera does not contain any cyrillic characters at all, whetever cyrillic or not. So it sounds like you have a problem with your fontconfig setup - the characters would be wrong in whichever font fontconfig is using as a fallback for cyrillic. So I gues syou should ask on a fontconfig related list (i'm sure theres one somewhere)

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